How to Get Rid from Honey Bees? [Infographic]

how to get rid of honey bees

Honey Bees:

The scientific name of honey bee is Apis mellifera and it belongs to the insect family of ants and wasps. It lives in a nest, called as “hives”. The honey bee is the only insect which provides honey, beeswax, etc.

Life Cycle of Honey Bees:

There are 4 main life stages of honey bee such as


1st Stage: The first stage of the honey bee life cycle is Egg Stage. The egg is very small in size like a poppy seed.

2nd Stage: Larva Stage is the second stage of the honey bee life cycle and the size of the larva is microscopic without legs and eyes.

3rd Stage: To the Pupa Stage, reorganization of tissues takes place and now, body has three distinct parts.

4th Stage: Adult Stage, in which the body is fully grown and ready to perform their tasks.


How to Get Rid of Honey Bees?

  1. Determine which species of bees either it is a honey bee or a yellow jacket.
  2. Find the bee hives: You can search the bee hives more easily, when the sun starts to rise or set.
  3. Call a beekeepers: Honey bees are important for us, hence it’s always better to call a beekeeper instead of killing them. The honey bee rescue team knows that how to get rid of these bees and how to remove a bees nest without harming or killing the honey bees.

Other Natural Methods Are:

  • Hang some mothballs inside of an old nylon to the bee nest.
  • Add vinegar and water in a bottle and spray this solution on a bees nest at night.
  • Hang a bug zapper strip near the hives or nest.
  • Pour borax powder near to the nest.

For easy and secure honey bee removal service, directly contact the professional team.

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